Since 1977 we are suppliers of Italian Institute of Quality (IMQ) and that we are listed among the suppliers of the Comittee of the Certification Bodies of IECEE from 1987.
Two significant acknowledgements which, together with  the myriad of enterprises and laboratories that avail themselves of our production, allow us to underline what are the bases of our work, reliability and precision.
All our appliances grant a perfect balance of resistance, endurance, functionality, safety and street conformity with the standards.
Every relevant measure of our equipment is accompanied by an our internal calibration report performed with instruments periodically certified by the Italian accredited body “ACCREDIA”.

On request, our company is able to supply certificates issued by international accredited laboratories according to the ISO 17025 standard.


We certify our products comply with all relevant EU directives (CE mark), that is a synonymous of QUALITY and SAFETY:

  • to fulfil the conformity requirements for CE marking of our equipment, we use four main directives: the machinery directive, the low-voltage directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive and the Pressure equipment directive;
  • products that have powered moving parts conform to the Machinery Directive;
  • product that use electrical power but no moving parts conform to the Low Voltage Directive;
  • all products that use electric power conform to the EMC Directive;
  • products with pressurized fluids which exceed the threshold values set in the Pressure Directive conform to this directive;