
  • To study and design new products, updating existing ones in order to be in line with markets trends and with the ever more precise requests of our customers.
  • Meeting the ordinary and extraordinary demands of customers, creating “ad hoc” the product required with excellent quality and functionality.
  • Increase collaboration and communication with customers and suppliers to continuously optimize the production process and the required result.
  • Propose to the customers our values:
      • Experience, professionalism and seriousness;
      • Quality of the product as an added value continually sought;
  • Innovation: our efforts are concentrated to comply with the current needs and to anticipate the futures;
    • After-sales service and customer care;
    • Consulting and guide to buying of the most suitable product;
    • Providing complete “keys in hand laboratory“;
    • Design and manufacture of the product according to the technical requirements and reference standards;
    • Measures referable through certified instrumentation ACCREDIA;
    • Technical assistance;
    • Transparency, Reliability and Tradition.


We express the desire to make tools and equipment for the control and verification of products in compliance with the relevant standards, with the aim to produce absolute quality custom tools to meet specific requirements and designed to offer “ad hoc” solutions.

Our systems are used in research laboratories and on production lines, in quality control and in education, in large government installations, automotive and electromechanical companies, and small independent testing laboratories. Specialists, designers, engineers and quality control managers our products to evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of materials, structures and components.

Our products are used to test from plastic materials to electrical products, in applications ranging from aerospace and automobile manufacturing to the development and production of everyday consumer goods.